
What Is Therian Lycan Clan?
▼ Therian Lycan Clan: What is a Therian? The general audience will identify Therians, or Therianthropes, as people who identify, in some intrinsic way, as an animal or beast that exists or has existed on earth. Being a Therian is involuntary, rather than subcultures such as the furry fandom, in which one chooses to engage with the community.
Therians are generally aware that they physically have a human body. Therians, despite having an animal identity, almost always act like anyone else.
They are not defined by their Therianthropy, just as any other identity does not fully encompass a person. Usually this "feeling" is created by a real past life or spiritual destiny as a real beast type of spirit.
Therianthropy is the mythological ability or affliction of individuals to metamorphose into animals or hybrids by means of shapeshifting. It is possible that cave drawings found at Les Trois Frères, in France, between many other traditions and civilizations depict ancient beliefs in the concept.
The best-known form of Therianthropy, called Lycanthropy, is found in stories of werewolves.
In Therian Lycan Clan we go further, we work magickally to trasform and/or potenciate the Lycan aspect or Lycan hybrid beast of each member; this is obtained through multiple rituals, activities and alchemical practices. Therian Lycan Clan is a special circle or network where you can find different Devilist members and L.H.P. supporters who share their common spiritual tendence or interest in the Lycan Deification; also you will find sources of information and suggested primal methods and/or programs to walk the Path Of The Beast -an exclusive primal initiatory system with multiple practices and Therian rituals which you will able to follow and practice with your pack/clan or alone.
See our different sections and find what you are looking for!
· General Information (Articles and basic knowledge).
· Sexspiritual Practices (The Tantric practices per se. Select your type).
· The Red Room (Different sections of meeting & interest).
· A.S.C. Links Section (How to join & social links).
▲ Important Note:+18: We respect the legal “Age of Majority”, according to local laws and regulations.
The Age of Majority varies from region to region and even from country to country.
The most common, however, is age 18+. Therefore, we wont accept candidates under the age of 18 years of age under any circumstances and without exception.

Welcome Sinners
▼ This section is dedicated to the works, gnosis, studies, magick, practices and basic knowledge with Asmodeus for His Tantric Path of The Flesh.
Some sections are only accesible by A.S.C. Members (a.k.a. "Sinners"). Enjoy.
· Public Section ·
· Public Section ·
· Public Section ·
· Public Section ·
· Public Section ·

Sexspiritual Practices
▼ Available paths with their different practices. Only accessible for A.S.C. registered members.
Select below your prefered system to see its related practices:




*To join A.S.C. you must join as O.T.A. or I.T.A. Devilist and select A.S.C. enrollment.
You can join multiple groups and categories at once! Click here to join Devilism!
The Red Room
▼ Here are some of the different sections related with sex. Welcome to The Red Room of the Club.
As always, enjoy.
▲ Click the icon to visit The Horak Nexion!
Here you will find information about this beautiful format of love and learn more about it.
Also, you will be able to discover Reggs with open Horaks to join as a Xenexa / Xeneka.

Inscriptions To Temple O.T.A. Organized Trips+Visits
▲ The Temple organizes special sexual events and parties wich some are open to the participance of O.T.A.s members.
Here you will find information about the upcoming events, travels organized, how to join us in the Temple, all what is required previously
and all the questions, possibilities and related information.
*Note: Since The Devil´s Temple is not built yet this section will remain inactive until the physical Temple is built.

A.S.C. Links Section
▼ Here are some of the different sections related with sex. Welcome to The Red Room of the Club.
As always, enjoy.
▲ Click the icon to join as a official Devilist. You can select to join as an Inside or Outside Temple Adept! (I.T.A. or O.T.A.).
Make sure you mark "YES" in the option of A.S.C. Membership. This is compatible with other groups and circles inside the movement.
For further information about the inscription and our different groups:
-Read the page content (Join Devilism) and visit our "Join Us" page and "Groups Of Work" page as well.
▲ Click the icon to visit the official youtube channel of Aeshma Sexual Club!
Don´t forget to subscribe and hit the notification´s bell to get informed when we upload a new video!
▲ Click the seal to visit our F.A.Q. where Aeshma Sexual Club has a section of questions and answers.
Don´t forget to follow the post on our forum to get notified in case of updates!

Check out our: Official Youtube Channels!
The Devil´s Temple´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Satania´s Coven Official Youtube Channel:
The Black Angel´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Aeshma LHP Sexual Club´s Official Youtube Channel:
The Akasha House - Vampyr Clan´s Official Youtube Channel:

Unleash The Beast
The Devil´s Temple