
Welcome Creatures Of The Night

▼ Vampirism: The mysteries of vampirism present a real but often misunderstood layer of the Devilist nature. The Akashians were described by ancient mystics as primordial vampires—the first-born of a timeless, immortal kin. Tracing their roots and ancestral genesis throughout the centuries, they are linked to a lost empire predating the pharaonic dynasties of the Ancient Atlantean Civilization—a time of legend and magick. The Akashians were given life by the essence of Akasha through Satana and their breath of creation, enabling them to touch deeply into the psyche and soul of humanity. Inhuman in both mind and spirit, the reality of these beings transcends mundane understanding and surpasses any simple definition. They are unrestricted by societal terminology and represent far more than what the word vampire can convey.
“While vampires are indeed predatory daemonic beings, not only with the ability but also the mastery to respond with lasting damage and even lethal power, it is not entirely accurate to believe that the majority would attack and harm without well-founded reason. Higher power is achieved through discipline and inner mastery, which can only be unveiled under the light of responsibility, balance, and awareness. Akashians are not mindless destroyers or creatures of evil, though they may bring pain and suffering if that is a lesson that opens doors to higher understanding. They initiate through fire and silence, using magick as old as time itself, and that is something only a few can survive."
When it comes to vampirism, it is crucial to distinguish between the occult reality and its scholarly fields of study from fantasy or the cultural misappropriation and role-play perpetuated by modern subcultures. These do not represent a serious approach to this branch of spirituality, as explored within the Devilist current. To conflate popular culture’s ignorance with the wisdom of occult societies is to walk the path of misunderstanding.
Real vampires are not defined by the elements found in fiction, mythology, or folklore; they are neither cursed nor parasitic. Vampirism, in its multilayered complexity, is ultimately bound to a definitive condition of the soul. Spiritually, this notion can be described as an inhuman spirit within a human body—an immortal spirit in a mortal shell. While vampirism is often associated with the draining of vital force (known as Ka in Ancient Egypt), the ability to draw energy from others is not enough to define a living vampire. Techniques and practices tied to vampirism can be learned and practiced by anyone with knowledge of advanced metaphysics. Any human with proper training can summon subtle forces, interact with the elements, and manipulate energy for personal empowerment, but that does not make them a vampire—only a human practicing vampiric arts.
A common misconception, sometimes fueled by ignorance or a lack of understanding, is the portrayal of vampires as having broken energy systems. Theories of wounded souls or inefficient subtle bodies may apply to the study of subtle anatomy but do not describe the nature of a vampire. Such conditions affect those with subtle ailments or medical disorders, not empowered beings of energy. Vampires are neither broken, diseased, nor limited; they are evolved spirits of oneness and completeness, mastering the subtle arts of magick and perpetually seeking wisdom. They enhance their latent abilities with the blood of life—the vibrational essence of vital force. Akashians should never be confused with humans bearing a damaged Self or broken energy system, as they represent the opposite.
“Surrounded by folklore and misunderstanding, common knowledge about vampirism is derived from myth, lore, and culture. While the most extensively studied vampire mythologies originate in Europe—especially in Romanian and Slavic traditions, where vampires were seen as undead monsters—legends of vampires can be found in nearly every culture throughout history. From the tales of ghostly Vetalas in India, described in ancient Sanskrit literature, to the Lilû vampiric daemons of Akkadian origin, found in the mysteries of Babylonia and Sumer, the concept of vampirism transcends time and geography. The female incarnation of these ancient daemons, Lilitu, later became Lilith in Jewish demonology. Although she is sometimes wrongly considered the mother of vampires, this is a modern fiction. The oldest accounts of vampirism trace back to ancient civilizations and appear in temple symbolism, papyrus descriptions, and the darker, cryptic references in early funerary texts. Influenced by the presence of Akashians and their culture, the true origins of vampirism have flourished and remain deeply tied to the lands where these legends first began.”
-Master Falcifer
When studying the obscure practices of vampirism, both in metaphysics and spirituality, one recurrent theme is vampiric feeding: the mastered draining of vital force—known as Vril, Prana, or Qi. This aspect, too, is clouded by confusion. In popular culture, vampires are often categorized by their feeding methods, using terms like psychic vampire (metaphysical draining) or sanguinarian (feeding on blood). More recently, the hybrid vampire concept has emerged, describing vampires who feed on both energy and blood. These labels are inaccurate and overly simplistic. Vampires cannot be categorized by feeding practices alone, as they are much more complex beings. Limiting the nature of a vampire to a feeding method misses the essence of their existence.
A real vampire is not confined to a single feeding technique but can drain vital force through various methods, such as touch, blood, sexuality, or subtle energy manipulation. These methods reflect both personal preference and subtle metabolism. What vampires truly crave is Ka—the raw energy that embodies life—whether released through augmented emotion, a drop of blood, a brush of physical contact, psychological domination, or the intensity of orgasm. However, to define vampires by their abilities or practices alone is to underestimate them. Akashians are not merely predators of life and death but beings of profound spirituality, passionate about learning, loyalty, and understanding the universe’s foundations.
“Wielders of an existence unknown to many and misunderstood by most, the Akashians are often called vampires by human culture, a term used to describe their predatory instincts. But this is a simplistic view. They are the first-born of the immortal kin, detached from society and the mundane. Mysterious and often studied as primordial daemonic vampires, their blood is seen as both sacred and cursed—simultaneously alluring and terrifying. Loved but feared. They live in a world that remains unaware of their existence, though memories of them surface in dreams and desires, evoking long-lost emotions from an ancient past. Human society, which neglects values such as honor and loyalty, remains far removed from the core of Akashian culture.”
-Master Falcifer
▼ This section is dedicated to our works, gnosis, studies, magick, practices, and basic knowledge about Vampirism and the Wamphyric current.
Some sections are only accessible to Akashian Vampires or students. Enjoy.

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Vampirism, A Path For The Thirsty
The Devil´s Temple