The term "Apocalypse" or "Apocalipse" originates from the Greek word "apokalupsis," which means "revelation" or "unveiling." In its essence, it signifies the disclosure of hidden or unknown truths, often associated with divine or cosmic insights. The concept transcends mere cataclysmic events or the end of the world; rather, it encompasses a profound unveiling of knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment.
Apocalipse means "Truth Revealed";
a spiritual or cosmic group of transcendent truths will surface during these times.
Throughout history, the notion of apocalypse has been intertwined with various religious, philosophical, and cultural beliefs. In religious contexts, it often denotes the final revelation of God's will or divine judgment, as depicted in texts such as the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible or the End Times in Islamic eschatology. These narratives depict a cosmic battle between good and evil, leading to a new era or the ultimate fulfillment of spiritual prophecies.
Beyond religious connotations, the concept of apocalypse has permeated literature, art, and popular culture, serving as a metaphor for profound personal or societal transformations. It symbolizes moments of profound upheaval, crisis, or revelation that challenge existing norms, beliefs, and structures. In literature and film, apocalyptic themes explore existential questions, human resilience, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world.
Moreover, the idea of apocalypse extends beyond its traditional religious or literary interpretations. In contemporary discourse, it encompasses global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and social unrest, reflecting humanity's collective fears and aspirations for the future. In this context, the concept of apocalypse serves as a lens through which to examine pressing issues and envision potential paths forward.
Ultimately, whether viewed as a divine revelation, a literary motif, or a metaphor for contemporary crises, the notion of apocalypse invites introspection, exploration, and interpretation. It challenges us to confront uncertainty, embrace change, and seek deeper truths about ourselves and the world we inhabit.
What Is An Apocalypse?
Biblical scholars generally describe an “apocalypse” as a type of ancient literature in which otherworldly beings reveal knowledge about the supernatural world to humans.
"Truth revealed" encapsulates the essence of the term "apocalypse" -the unveiling or disclosure of hidden truths, often with profound implications for individuals and society. This concept transcends religious or cultural boundaries and speaks to a universal human desire for understanding and enlightenment.
In personal and spiritual journeys, moments of truth revealed can be transformative, leading to greater self-awareness, growth, and a deeper connection to the world. It may involve confronting uncomfortable truths, questioning long-held beliefs, or experiencing moments of clarity and insight that reshape one's perspective on life.
In societal contexts, truth revealed can have far-reaching consequences, challenging established power structures, social norms, and cultural paradigms. It may expose corruption, injustice, or systemic inequalities, sparking movements for change and calls for accountability.
Moreover, truth revealed is often intertwined with the pursuit of knowledge, truth, and wisdom. It reflects humanity's ongoing quest for understanding the mysteries of existence, the nature of reality, and our place in the cosmos.
Overall, the concept of truth revealed invites reflection, exploration, and dialogue, encouraging individuals and communities to seek deeper insights, embrace complexity, and engage in the ongoing search for meaning and understanding.
Welcome To The Apocalypse: The Announcements
2022: Emissary Zarael proclaims and announces that “The Apocalypse*” officially begins in the year of numbers equalling “6”. ( Apocalipse means "Truth Revealed", and implies “Unveiling” and "Reveal Hidden Knowledge; Revelations" but/and is deep related with the violent war.)
During February 2022 our Hierophant Master Falcifer channeled some of the major seals of Devilism. (*including The Devil´ Star, see below).
By the end of 2022 the Third Emissary Of The Name or Emissary Zarael proclaims and officially announces that Falcifer (who by this time was clear that He was One of The 7 Full High Kings Of Hell Incarnated -Asmodeus in this case), is The Vindex, The Antichrist.
One of the videos created for The Announcement.
A few days later, Noctula V, High Priestess of Satania, the coven, predicted her own death’s date; and before it happens, the team wants to take the next step.
Following a decade of the Working, our Doctrine will be released. After thousands of happy clients, Transformed Vampires, spirit companion bindings, incredible banishings of attachements, parasites and negative Sludge Entities, and magnificient rites performed with the Dark Lords, it is time to release new secrets, to open new gates.
Devilism, The Forbidden Gate of Knowledge, Only For The Chosen Few.
Welcome To The Apocalipse
Before the end of the year 2022 our Spiritual Current is released to the public: The Devilism (Diabolism, Diablism Or “Falciferism”). These are just names for what cannot be named, some in honor of our Hierophant. However, the names reflect the current daemonic representative and the age we are living in. It is also a way to label our personal Daemonic Path, that sometimes differs -oh, believe us, it does!- from the paths that other demonolaters and dark sorcerers walk.