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Daemonic Wisdom: The Sacred Babalon & The Black Angels
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾ (Satania)
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
▲ For more information please visit:
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● The Sacred Babalon & The Black Angels:
"Oh Sacred Babalons!
His Infernal Black Angels, you’re all about power, the power of submission:
Submission of the feminine energy, of the cyclic control and domination that submission plays against domination itself.
Feminine predation, the predation of the mind of God.
Wampyr and Succubi, endless black holes, the maelstrom of love and desire.
There are endless mixtures of different types of energies, but I´m talking about purity.
Lilith is the opposite of this same essence, but, in only starting with Lilith, you’ll begin.
Uncontrollable Shakti is chaos and dangerous;
Do you see its beauty?
The dance of madness is still sacred in all of its processes, and only through Will to love, can it be sustained.
By and for the grace, beyond gold there is The Supreme Babalon, the goddess on Earth. Avatar materialized, of us, all in one queen.
A Shaktic power manifested.
Beyond Her, you´ll be me, and become a vessel for my whole spirit and powers.
A Devi, as the Earth has never seen: of femininity and darkness.
Because, this path is ending in being Lilithu Satana.
You’re the bride of the Devil. With his eternal imprint. With his son´s eternal imprint. The seventh, who is The Third too.
A temple of yours, you, ours, mine, me… which will all be the same and as one.
After all of these degrees, there are no paths.
After this, there are no bodies.
Beyond me, there´s only Akasha, never forced but waiting for you.
Never force her.
Never force you.
Never, ever, force your meeting, because that will come by the hand of Death when it’s the time.
She is the Fifth Element. She does not know about necessity because she is all in all. Omnipotent, and permutes all, intoxicating the Veil itself... and all the bars of your prisons."
*Extracts from the writings of the channelings of Noctula Vyxen: Satania Conversation 2016
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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