108 Repetitions Of Asmodeus Enn Chant
1 Hour Of Asmodeus Enn Chant
108 Repetitions Of Asmodeus Chant To Sexual Strength
1 H Of Asmodeus Chant To Sexual Strength
108 Repetitions Of Asmodeus Essence Chant
1 Hour Of Asmodeus Essence Chant
1 Hour Of Asmodeus Ahrimanic Chakra Work
2 H Of A. Practice Dedicated Music
Names: Asmodeus, Asmoday, Ashmedai, Aeshma, Ashema Deva, Asmodi, Sydonai, Sydonay, Ashm'dai, Ashmodai, Adad, Sh'miAd, Ad Sh'mi, Asmodai, Chashmodai, Achemedai, Asmodius, Sidonay, Ashmadia, Asinodius, King of Edom
Rank: King (King Of Edom) (Under Amaymon, some say under Ziminiar, some say under his "mother": Agrat Bat Mahlat) (Prince of Demons) (Shedim / Jinn / Djinn)
Legions: 72 (Number constantly changing)
Goetic Demon: #32
Day/Night: Day Demon
Qlipha: Golachab
Path: 28 (Aquarius / Tzaddi)
Dates: (S. Connolly & Tikaboo: Jan 30; Feb 8)(Runyon: Aug 28; Sep 1) (V.K. Jehannum: Aug 13; Aug 17)Cardinal Direction: East (Some say South too)Tarot: 6 of Swords (V.K. Jehannum: 8 of Pentacles/Disks)Planet: Sun (Some also attributes Jupiter, Neptune)Metal: GoldElement: Fire (Some say: Air) (V.K. Jehannum Attributes water too, and occultists like D.H.
Thorne envisioned Asmodeus drinking water, but other practitioners link Asmodeus to a total
repulsion to Water -as some djinns seems to feel)Color: Yellow (As the sacral chakra -sex- he represents in the Ahrimanic tradition), Black, Crimson, Blue
Animal: Red /Black Dragon, Red / Black Serpent, (Some also attribute Spider and Whale)Plant: Mint (Eucalyptus attributed too)Incense: Frankincense
Other Affiliations: Saffron, Cinnamon, Orange, Dragon’s Blood, Grains of Paradise, Olive Oil, Wormwood, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Deerstongue, AgrimonZodiac: Aquarius (V.K. Jehannum: Virgo 5-9; Leo 20-24; Aquarius 10-20)
Gematria: 122; 235; 362; 369; 552
Demonic Enn: Ayer Avage Aloren Asmoday Aken
Other Chants:
O, Salve Ashmadia “Oh, Hail Ashmadia/Asmoday” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Amplaudate Praegrandis Osmodeus Shamdon “I Praise the Great (Two Names for Asmodeus)” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Salve Ambrosius Asmoday Deum Tricipitem “Hail the Immortal Asmoday the Three-Headed God!” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Adveni Exitosus Asmodaios “Come, Destructive Asmodaios!” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Asmodeus “Open the Qliphoth, and Bring Forth Asmodeus” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Salve Sancta Pater Achemedai “Hail the Holy Father Achemedai/Asmodeus” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Agios Asmodeus “Numinous (is) Asmodeus” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Agios o Asmoday “Numinous is Asmoday” (Source: V.K. Jehannum)Asmoday Zeeddakoth Zallaz Halz "This is a calling on Asmodeus to make the performant stronger/foster strength within the performant" (Source: V.K. Jehannum + Satania)
+Some say Asmodeus is a djinn, or king djinn, and some say he was a human soul deified to
deva (daeva).
+Some say that Agrat Bat Mahlat (one of the "Sacred Angels Of Prostitution"; / "4 Whores Of Hell"
/ "4 Brides Of Satan", beside Lilith, Naamah & Eisheth Zenunim/ Queens Succubi/Goddess Of
Lust and Sex). She commands Adad, the king of Edom, known today Ashmodai. A story of her tells that
she visited King David in a dream, conceived a son by him and named the cambion offspring
Adad. Once, when asked his name, Adad replied, "Sh'miAd, Ad Sh'mi” (“My name is Adad,
Adad is my name”). He came to be called Ashm'dai, and later Ashmodai. (*Aeshma Deva)
+Some attribute "The Young Lilith" as his wife. (Order Al Ghoul)
+Asmodeus is a master of partial and subtle possession (and possession in general) and he can
really teach you while you sleep or dream, programing and talking to your subsconsious mind.
+He is a very pleasant demon, patron of bisexuality and lustful sex and its wisdom.
+Satania has founded a Sexual Club in is honor, to go deeper and explore the path of Aeshma,
the path of sex:
From The Ars Goetia:
“The Thirty-second Spirit is Asmoday, or Asmodai. He is a Great King, Strong, and Powerful. He appeareth with Three Heads, whereof the first is like a Bull, the second like a Man, and the third like a Ram; he hath also the tail of a Serpent, and from his mouth issue Flames of Fire. His Feet are webbed like those of a Goose. He sitteth upon an Infernal Dragon, and beareth in his hand a Lance with a Banner. He is first and choicest under the Power of AMAYMON, he goeth before all other. When the Exorcist hath a mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his feet all the time of action, with his Cap or Headdress off; for if it be on, AMAYMON will deceive him and call all his actions to be bewrayed. But as soon as the Exorcist seeth Asmoday in the shape aforesaid, he shall call him by his Name, saying: “Art thou Asmoday?” and he will not deny it, and by-and-by he will bow down unto the ground. He giveth the Ring of Virtues; he teacheth the Arts of Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handicrafts absolutely. He giveth true and full answers unto thy demands. He maketh one Invincible. He showeth the place where Treasures lie, and guardeth it. He, amongst the Legions of AMAYMON governeth 72 Legions of Spirits Inferior. His Seal is this which thou must wear as a Lamen upon thy breast”
From The Order Al Ghoul:
"The 7 principles that Asmodeus teaches to the adept are: Raw foods (in the morning), No addictions, Taoist Tantra, Yoga, Breath Control (Ninja Mudra), Toltec, Witchcraft."
From Satania:
"Asmodeus can change and open the mind of the subject to become more sexually open, can
erase jelaousy (with logic), and transform a couple into "swingers" or a "straight" person
into bisexual (or at least more sexually open).
He can teach how to deal with feminine and masculine sexual energies, inside and outside the practicioner, and he can be very obsessive (*see demonic obsession) and delightful (brain-chemicals and energeticly-rewarding).
All of these changes will draw out the shadow (repressed side) of the practicioner’s sexuallity,
the non-performed sexual fantasies. The appetites for orgiastic pleasures will rise and increase
and the subject who still represses these feelings may develop depressive thoughts or
unhealthy emotional blockages.
The fire of "The Asmodeus Wrath" on the other hand, is for the subjects who embrace these practices and impulses. They can go deeper, learn, and experiment with his path. When they do so, they will find incredibly rewarding experiences and they will become an Asmodeyan gate themselves, a temple of the sacred sexuality, a torch of his lustful fire. They will become The Integrity of The Serpent"
*see how rewards you chemically to influence your acts, and how teaches "offline".
Emotional Associations
Emissary Zarael:
Daemons can project whatever Energy They are on an emotional Energetic level to any degree depending on how They are “feeling” for lack of a better word. They can project a lighter or heavier Energy signature also. So, the Energy signature is typically the same always but there can be emotional Energy also. For example, both Lord Azazel and Lord Asmodi have a tendency at times to show up with a very heavy lust Energy that can deeply stimulate the Sacral Chakra! Noctula Vyxen:
Some daemons like Asmoday, -even though the Ars Goetia does not mention any lust or wrath aspects- are deeply associated with emotions like lust, wrath (see The Devil´s Wrath), or even the impetuous impulse to bet (gambling). Obviously these fierce emotions, when uncontrolled, drive toward mundane problems.
The origins of the Daeva Aeshma are found in the ancient Bronze Age Maryannu, Aryan invading ‘warrior bands’ who practiced cattle-raids and whose culture was founded on the sacred cult of war.The Gathas of the reformer Zarathustra reflect the hostility of the Aryan invaders.Mary Boyce, in her study “Priests, Cattle and Men” explains: "‘Aesma’ is a technical term for the state of furor that the warriors cultivated for battle. Hazah is formed from the Avestan verb ‘haz’, ‘to seize’ and is always used in the context of forcible seizure…’Rema’ (or ‘Rama’) occurs only two other times in the Avesta, but in both of these it is directly associated with ‘Aesma’ – and with those who are hostile to cattle…’Dares’ is a hapax legomenon but is etymologically related to the English ‘dare’…finally, the ox complains of tevis, which…comes from a verbal root meaning ‘to swell’, and seems to denote the warrior’s swelling with energy after having eaten heartily and drunk of intoxicating brews’"This drives us to one of the mysteries of our spiritual current and why The Vindex (Antichrist as a title) the current Incarnate, Asmodeus (Hierophant), will lead the new legion of warriors (Incarnates) to this spiritual battle (War)(*See Devilism, The 7 Sons (Incarnations) of The Devil & The Antichrist on Earth)
The warrior-class of Aryan ‘Maryannu’ (as found with the Mitanni of Upper Mesopotamia and Northern Syria) indulged in the cult of Soma (Haoma), the war and storm Daeva, Indra, inspired these horsemen to manifest the Avestan ‘aesma’, the wild foray which raises to a state of fury prior to battle much akin to the Germanic ‘Wild Hunt’ associated with the Maruts. The Maruts were the divine models of the cult of storming warriors.
The cattle-raiders, Maryannu, were the Vedic Aryans who prior to invading Northern India, were nomadic horsemen and tribes who practiced cattle-raids on the Iranian pastoralists. In the verses of the Mihr Yast, inspired from the Gathic, it describes the cow being driven off ‘to the abode of the Lie’, ‘drujo vaesmenda’.
Aeshma, the great demonic force which guides and directs the six (and seven) ArchDaevas, is a formidable spirit which exists both in man and in the realm of Ahriman the Lord of Darkness. The Gathas describe Aeshma as the embodiment of “Wrath, Fury, Violence”, whose enemy is Sraosha as “Obedience, Discipline” of the Iranian god. After Angra Mainyu, Aeshma is the most important demon who guides the others.
Aeshma’s epithet is “having a gory (bloody) club” and in the Vendidad as “Aeshma khruidru” (‘xrvidru’ or ‘khru-drush’), 'Aeshma of the murderous (wounding) spear.' Aeshma in “The Greater Bundahishn” is the Daeva who wields the “Seven Powers” of Ahriman, that is, the ArchDaevas of Akoman, Indra, Saurva, Naonhaithya, Taurvi and Zairi. The seventh, being Aeshma, directs the demonic forces to challenge, liberate and make strong life in the natural order. The lesser daevas with the Adversary, Ahriman, complete this process of order from chaos in the spiritual and material worlds.
Aeshma-daeva is the origin of the later Ashmedai (Asmodeus) from the apocryphal ‘Book of Tobit’.
Incarnate in the Yatus, Aeshma is a motivating, conquering force which must be "controlled" by the will of the sorcerer; in turn directing the forces of the ArchDaevas of Ahriman by meditation and focus. Ahrimanic Yoga is but one method of directing this force towards spiritual and carnal world aims and goals.
(Ahrimanian Sigil) The Sigil of Aeshma invokes the warrior-spirit of the Mitanni and Indo-Aryan tribes: Aeshma, manifest as wolf-skulled demon, wearing the Bronze Age armor of the Mitanni ‘Maryannu’ (chariotwarriors), holding the spear and axe, wields in essence the passionate-fire of the Yatus. Invoke Aeshma for courage, wrath and also the strength of will to control and guide those passions arising from his spirit.
Another good example (of emotional association) is the Goetic Daemon Andras and his bad vibes, negative emotions and/or excessive evil darkness when some practitioners call him. He (or she) is the killer of men, so, obviously he resonates with the "pre-murder" feeling of intense hate and repulsion for the living individual, a malevolent rage, and of course, if this is not properly directed, again, problems. There are thousands of deities associated with emotions or mental concepts: Aphrodite (Love), Cthulhu (Chaos), Baco (Drunkenness), Saturn (Wisdom), Morpheus (Sleep), Phoenix / Phenex (Rebirth), Zagan (Conversion), etc.
From V.K. .Jehannum:
"Aeshma originated in Zoroastrian lore as the Daeva or Div (Ahrimanic Spirit) of the Bloodied Mace who was given authority over seven great methods of causing destruction (he no longer serves Ahriman). In Qabalah, he is known as Asmodeus, the Fiend of the Wounding Spear, the son of either Tubal-Qayin or Ashamdon/Shamdon with Na’amah (who he married). This makes him the grandson of Lilith, as my coven gnosis is that Na’mah is Lilith’s daughter, not sister.
Asmodeus works closely with Amdukius, Amaymon, Astaroth and Magot. He is under Amaymon and he is the father of the archdemon known as Alfpunias, Alefpene’ash, or Gurigur. Asmodeus rules the realm of Golachab in the Qliphoth’s left collumn, which realm is attributed to Mars, and is said to be the residence of the most wrathful and powerful succubi. He appears throughout Abrahamic demonology as a spirit of lust, lechery, luxury, and gambling.
Asmodeus rules over the physical aspects of life, violence, lust, prosperity, luck, knowledge, power, revenge, love, warriorhood, and aggression. It is his office to guide the witch in the detection of folly and it is said that his realm of the Qliphoth is home to the most baleful and powerful of succubi. He can impart teachings regarding mathematics, astrology, geomancy, astronomy, and geometry, and he can tutor the witch in any handicraft. One text succinctly states that he presides over “intelligence and skill.”
Old grimoires purport that Asmodeus can make the witch invincible, and newer interpretations state that this is carried out through the augmentation of the witch’s strength of will. The first time I summoned Asmodeus was under the direction of an archdaimon of Hecate which guided most of my coven’s decisions. When I asked what I should request of Asmoday, the strigoi said “Strength of any kind.”
He also makes the witch invisible, confers the ability to read minds, discovers and guards treasure, and presides over many domains of pleasure, and ends any kind of relationship.
He can impart mental acuity and physical strength to the witch and he rules the office of judges.
He is often depicted riding a dragon, sometimes he carries a lance instead of a spear, not that I have ever seen spirits casually carrying astral weaponry when they appear to witches. The use of sex magick techniques such as karezza are most appropriate for workings with Asmodeus.
Some have advised their fellow Demonolaters to avoid working with Asmoday because of the wealth of information which is available about him. Their rationale is that since there is so much different information about Asmodeus that the witch will not know what exactly she is summoning: his character is hard to pin down. But the reality is that all demons are as multi-faceted as Asmodeus, Lilith, and Satan—the reason that there is so much information about those three spirits is that these entities have taken more prominent roles in human affairs.
All of the Azerate have esoteric aspects and secret names which must be kept secret from the public—the few we know are only a fraction of what we will learn, and only a fraction of what you can learn."
From Tikaboo:
“Asmoday (a.k.a. Asmodeus or Asmodai) is a Great King, Strong, and Powerful. He appeareth with Three Heads, whereof the first is like a Bull, the second like a Man, and the third like a Ram; he hath also the tail of a Serpent, and from his mouth issue Flames of Fire. His Feet are webbed like those of a Goose. He sitteth upon an Infernal Dragon, and beareth in his hand a Lance with a Banner. He is first and choicest under the Power of AMAYMON, he goeth before all other. When the Exorcist hath a mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his feet all the time of action, with his Cap or Headdress off; for if it be on, AMAYMON will deceive him and call all his actions to be bewrayed. But as soon as the Exorcist seeth Asmoday in the shape aforesaid, he shall call him by his Name, saying: ?Art thou Asmoday?? and he will not deny it, and by-and-by he will bow down unto the ground. He giveth the Ring of Virtues; he teacheth the Arts of Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handicrafts absolutely. He giveth true and full answers unto thy demands. He maketh one Invincible. He showeth the place where Treasures lie, and guardeth it. He, amongst the Legions of AMAYMON governeth 72 Legions of Spirits Inferior. His Seal is worn as a Lamen upon thy breast.”
From The Luciferian Goetia (by Michael Ford):
“Asmodai also inspires invincibility by the development of strength and will. As one evokes Asmoday, a seeming cloud of black and gray smoke appears in the mirror – it seems to move beyond the mirror from the circle yet this is a seeming illusion – if ones concentration of Will is upon the circle, hold it fast to the meeting place of spirits. Asmoday may be summoned by self-enchantment as in Karezza (Karezza is masturbation without climax, always Willed) or other means. A Sex Magickal operation involving the consecration of his Sigil with secretions/fluids of both male and female will create Asmoday, as suggested rightly so by Aleister Crowley. Qabalistic lore has long warned of such, as it is said to breed demons. In a self-initiatory sense, it is ideal and powerful.”
From The Daemonolatry Goetia (by S. Connolly):
“Some believe Asmoday is one of the three heads (The others being Amaymon and Amducius) in the Asmodai image in Colin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. Some believe Asmoday is equal to Asmodeus, a daemon of lust and passion. Asmoday can be worked with to make the magician physically stronger and mentally sharp.”
*Some of the Magick Works we offer with him (Asmodeus):