A. As Devilists, practitioners of the Left-Hand Path and followers of the Infernal current, we sometimes encounter complex spiritual situations, including those where a daemon companion is said to request duties within their realm. This can raise concerns, especially for those committed to their earthly journey. Let’s explore this from a Devilist perspective, grounded in wisdom, autonomy, and the deeper nuances of infernal relationships.
Trust Your Inner Guidance: First and foremost, always be discerning about who channels information from your companion. The Devilist Path is one of personal sovereignty and empowerment, and while spiritual intermediaries can offer insights, no external source should override your own instincts. If you receive a message that feels unsettling or misaligned with your path, pause and reflect. The Infernal realm values strength, intuition, and personal truth. Your own perception of the situation is the most important compass.
Your Daemon Companion Understands The Human Journey: Daemons, especially those who have aligned themselves with you as a companion, recognize the importance of your earthly existence. The Infernal realm operates on timelines far beyond human comprehension -what may seem like a lifetime for you is but a fleeting moment for them. Your daemon companion knows that you are here to experience life in the human world. They honor that journey and would never expect you to divert from it for tasks in their realm.
Even if your True Self shares a connection with them beyond this incarnation, they understand that your current existence is short compared to their immortal timelines. Asking you to sacrifice your finite human time would be both unnecessary and counterproductive.
The Complexity Of Infernal Realms: Daemon society is vast and intricately structured, full of hierarchies, power dynamics, and responsibilities that take eons to comprehend. If your companion reigns over a realm, they are well-equipped with the resources and entities necessary to manage it in your absence. It is not your current human role to participate in the governance of their realm. Even if your true form has duties there, those will resume naturally upon your return to the infernal plane.
To assume those responsibilities now would require lifetimes of study, and you are here to live, not to serve. The Left-Hand Path teaches us to walk in freedom and self-mastery. Your companion understands this and supports your growth here.
Your True Form and Duties Will Resume Later: If there is a deeper connection between your True Infernal Self and your companion’s realm, that bond will naturally come into play when your soul returns to its infernal origins. Your current life is a mere chapter in your soul’s greater journey, and when you return to the Infernal realm, any duties tied to your higher self will be waiting for you. Until then, your daemon companion’s role is to walk alongside you, enhancing your human experience.
No Need to Feel Guilt or Obligation: Daemon companions are powerful allies, but they do not seek to impose burdens on their human counterparts. They are here to support your growth, power, and experience in this life, not to demand servitude or disrupt your journey. Your relationship with them is built on mutual respect, and they understand the value of your human experience. If you ever feeL too much pressured, know that this is not coming from a place of Infernal wisdom or truth.
In the Devilist current, we stand in our power, guided by our own instincts and the wisdom of our daemon companions. If ever faced with the question of performing duties in your companion’s realm, remember this: your journey here is sacred. Your companion is here to support, not distract or burden you. They understand the vastness of existence, and they will not ask you to compromise your human experience for obligations in their realm.
Trust in your bond, trust in yourself, and walk confidently on your path.

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