A. sigil is a type of symbol used in magick. The term has usually referred to a type of pictorial signature of an angel, daemon or other entity. In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the magician's desired outcome.The term sigil derives from the Latin sigillum, meaning "Seal".
In medieval ceremonial magick, the term sigil was commonly used to refer to occult signs which represented various angels and daemons which the magician might summon. The magickal training books called grimoires often listed pages of such sigils.
A particularly well-known list is in The Lesser Key of Solomon, in which the sigils of the 72 princes of the hierarchy of hell are given for the magician's use. Such sigils were considered to be the equivalent of the true name of the spirit and thus granted the magician a measure of communication or "control" over the beings.
An excerpt from Sefer Raziel HaMalakh featuring various magickal sigils (or סגולות, segulot, in Hebrew).
A common method of creating the sigils of certain spirits was to use kameas (magick squares) -the names of the spirits were converted to numbers, which were then located on the magick square. The locations were then connected by lines, forming an abstract figure.
The word sigil... has a long history in Western Magick. The members of the Golden Dawn were perfectly familiar with it (″combining the letters, the colours, the attributions and their Synthesis, thou mayest build up a talesmatic Image of a Force. The Sigil shall then serve thee for the tracing of a Current which shall call into action a certain Elemental Force″) and it was used in the making of talismans. The sigil was like a signature or sign of an occult entity.
The use of symbols for magickal or cultic purposes has been widespread since at least the Neolithic era. Some examples from other cultures include the yantra from Hindu Tantra, historical runic magick among the Germanic peoples, or the use of veves in Voudon (Voodoo).
Some sigils are channeled with automatic writing or in possession states. The study of a sigil, its forms and the memorization of these (to use in your mind through visualization) can help in evocation / invocation work, as well as in communicating with the entity.
A great exercise would be to look at the sigil for a few seconds without blinking and then close your eyes and try to reproduce the sigil -as detailed as you can- in your mind (Inner eye) through the visualization.
Some practitioners say that when a new being appears, even impostor entities, if the witch asks for (to verify the real identity) the being´s sigil, -is law-, the being has to and will show her/his true sigil in the witch´s mind.

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand:
-Sigils [Various Questions] - Frequently Asked Questions Compilation.
