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#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Ask your questions to S.W. Falcifer!
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● Atman:
"The ancient Hindus´ version of the Higher Self is called "Atman".
This is the Supreme Being or Higher Daemon.
As a curiosity, you can invoke or evoke this spirit, which is your own spirit coming from the future; He or She always comes from the future as an evolved version of you, because all the future timelines, with enough time, -some take more, some less- all end with you becoming an ascended god (unified with others or not).
So, when you call this aspect, you are calling your own future spirit which is evolved enough to guide you and teach you; (your current self as their younger self, spiritual embryo, or child god) -your main goal should be to become Him or Her.
Some of you are old spirits with old soul complex constructions; you are closer than others to becoming enlightened -even if momentarily, because at first it is always momentarily and then you fall back into the ordinary state. Some of you still have a lot of work to do but the most important is to recognize and prioritize the Great Work above the triviality and the hollow life in the Veil Of Illusions.
I personally think not in a strict balance but in expansion, the expansion of consciousness in multiple layers of existence, even in the mundane planes.
One of the primary ways to measure the powers of the gods is their capacity to cross different dimensions and existential barriers, allowing the being to interact in the maximum amount of planes or dimensional layers without attachments and enjoying even the most primal act. This is why you can call me tantric; Devilism teaches us through desire by making something as simple and mundane in essence as having sex, eating, or resting into a spiritual experience. It all depends on the eyes of the viewer, on the perception of the god, and on the size and the length of the expanded conciousness who experiences it.
It is a great mistake to think that this higher aspect can be born out of thought, thought of any kind, like the learning and studying of external information or personal thought and its conclusions.
Experience will always push you 100 times closer to the enlightenment states than thought will and that is one of the main reasons why the Matrix and its agents' primary goal is to keep you away from experiencing real life and all its possibilities.
A meditation, a sexual ritual, a tribal dance around the fire, to perform a daemonic chant or ode with all your heart... These are some of the practical actions that once performed can make you taste the flavor of the real gnosis; these are easily the bricks of accumulative experiences which can construct the enlightenment of a person.
I´m not saying that a good pack of selected spiritual teachings, readings and mystical stories won´t help, No! They are also important because you need to have the proper understanding and direction, it will save time and help you to avoid mistakes and walking in circles. That said, going through a practical Dark Ascension with its rites and practices will be much more invigorating and beneficial spiritually.
Your inner spiritual feedback will become stronger.
The best idea is to go through a combined program of cleansing of the old paradigm, provision and study of the doctrine, and the most important and essential part: practical application.
Again, have you ever experienced a good ritual performed by a devoted collective or coven?
Did you feel the spiritual rush of energies generated in your own being?
This is your Atman sizzling, a signal of your spirit; dive in and follow and develop your intuition.
It is one of the most pleasant and powerful sensations, usually more shocking for neophytes; some compare the sensation to a cocaine high.
Vampirism, for example, provokes this feeling a lot of times -not just for the absorption of prana, no, but for the Kundalini and spiritual stimulation.
People are so ignorant of these things...
People like to live in illusions and pretend to not be rotten spiritually. People are living in a dream and the dream is not even as cool as it can be.
If you could understand how a Pagan life free of the boundaries and implants of the system can be... I mean, what motivates you as a living being? Why do you go to work and try to get money and pay your bills?
Why do you keep insisting on giving a chance to a fallen social construct? And what is your role there?
The places of social gatherings have become theaters of posers and liars.
We, as spiritual beings, are thirsty for truth; our spirit longs for authenticity, connection, and freedom.
We can do so many amazing things if we really come together and fight... We will have it all!
Houses, food, security, pleasure... and the most important, we will suppress lies, poisons, emotional dirtiness, etc...
I think that this is why the American secret service promoted Anton Lavey and his church in the 80's and 90's so much...
the individual issue that they have sold to all the modern Satanists along with it: the diabolic atheism amongst other problems...
That is not what Satan has transferred...
but this is another topic that must be covered in detail at the propper time...
So, when you strip yourself of your conclusions, of your ideas, your past experiences, what are you?
You are nothing; the recipient is empty, clean, ready to receive the sacred essence.
Right now most of you are full of bullshit and mental attributions.
When you become nothing through a meditative and spiritual process, you, somehow still there...
observing in a higher plane, have dropped the weight of all that is useless and trivial.
You still existing but without thought, without the mental process and its limitations.
That doesn't mean that you will never use your brain and think again, it only means that now you don´t construct fakeness but instead observe things just how they are, without mental filters; this is the highest of the possible perceptions.
You become empty of noise and grow expanded.
So, consciously or unconsciously, the feeling that you are nothing becomes a problem for the mind which has lived too much time in the Matrix and it becomes frightened of this perception.
Ego and personification are your spiritual comfort zone. You became addicted to your mundane role or roles...
And because of this fear, you begin to identify with them again.
Then, you fill that vacuum with a great amount of concepts, ideas, and thoughts about the logic of knowledge, the collective rules of this plane, etc...
Well, you think you can fill it, but this is a false sensation of your mental perception.
Can your mind observe the vacuum and not move away from that emptiness?
Can you hold your spirit in the abyss?
Because if you can become nothing, drop all your mental constructions, and defeat the gravity of the mental plane and its inertia, you will become all that you already are; elevated, you will become all in experience.
You´ll become The Atman reintegrating or simply composing your Higher Daemon Self; you will become the god of your existence.
This is reached in higher states of consciousness through a process of Samadhi or supreme enlightenment
while avoiding the dissolution or total integration with Akasha.
So, how to control the grade of ascension without mind?
Oh, my friend, first let's walk, then, we will run, and then maybe, just maybe, some will be able to fly.
Samadhi is beyond everything.
And no, you will not achieve it by meditating a couple of hours on the weekends."
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism