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Daemonic Wisdom: Satan Speaks: 4th Verse; Al Jilwah
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾ (Satan)
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Satan Speaks: 4th Verse; Al Jilwah:
"I will not give my rights to other gods. I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures.
The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes. Whatsoever is contrary to these, they have altered; do not accept it. Three things are against me and I hate three things. But those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfillment of my promises. Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds.
It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without.
I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do."
*Extract of Satan Speaks: Al Jilwah Book (4th Verse).
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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