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Daemonic Wisdom: What Is An Incarnate? #DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾ (Zarael)
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● What Is An Incarnate?:
"In case you´re not familiar with the term , an Incarnate is an otherworldly entity incarnated in human flesh at birth or prior.
It´s a term I coined early in the new millennium along with also susing "Angelic" as a noun, for anyone who at some point was Elohim. That is originally from the lighter part of Universe B.
Rather than a human-soul spirit complex there can be a combination of: one part human - hone part not human, or even entirely not human.
Living a human life affects the personality and perspective of the Incarnate, but what exists is a god having a human experience.
The point of Dark Awakening and Ascension is to not only connect with and become one with what starts out as a higher demon - as everyone has either a higher demon or a higher angel- but to be that higher demon if you´re human, and being a god, the god that you really are if you´re an Incarnate.
Most Dark Gods do not incarnate because it´s not worth it. A specific mission is the impetus for coming here. Most often a spark or fragment of an enitity will incarnate so as not to burn out the vessel, but sometimes the entire entity´s consciousness incarnates if the mission is critical, and at times sparks of others may accompany in order to assist in protection of the vessel and of the Incarnate, and to assist in the awakening process so the god can come forth into the forefrontand anything human can recede, even to the point of a type of sleep. The god remembers and continues to live a human life but not as a human.
It´s impossible -by the way- to exorcise someone from their own body. Incanration is nor possession, nor is it a "walk in" situation. A few christians tried that with me -many years ago- much to their humiliation.
Also via the Ascension process people can be transformed to an extend and thus better prepared for the afterlife, really depends on what you want to do with it. It´s recommened however that the practitioner chooses beforehand what they want to do both here and in the Infernal Empire afterwards because certain paths of darkness only take you so far in the Ascension process if you´re not strong enough or not capable of not getting stuck somewhere on the journey. You can become transformed ahead of time and have an easier time working with the Qliphoth -if you´re not an Incarnate-.
The order´s associates, the Satania coven can help you with that.
If you´re an Incarnate, however, you absolutely must go through the process, and do it abolutely thoroughly properly. The Incarnate´s top priority is allowing the Dark Gods within or the Dark God within to come forward, and any human affect to be mostly in the background to the point of sleep, and usually it is simply a Dark God, but sometimes you must contact extras who came along to help you"
-Emissary Zarael
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© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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