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Daemonic Wisdom: Who Is Satania?
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾ (Falcifer)
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Who Is Satania?:
"Satania or Satana...
You would be surprised by how many practitioners have encountered Satania and have thought she was a demonic version of Hekate or a different variation of Lilith. This assumption is based on her looks and on the dark feminine energy projected by Her.
Satania is not just dark, vampiric, and feminine. She is a highly Infernal Daemonic Shaktic power, and She is part of Satan -as metagod-, and The Satan/s, -the collective-. She is capable of awakening your Kundalini just by Her presence in your body.
Her energy tastes like: warm alcohol, like a drug overdose before shit begins, like just before you begin to feel bad before the negative sensations of the overloading of toxins. It is like the higher point of corporeal or sanguinary pleasure where the pleasure is simply inhuman, unnatural, too intoxicating to be native, like an alcoholic-heroine-orgasm.
She, usually, feels hot, or warm at least, like the most delightful and powerful version of Satan, shocking your three lower major chakras hardly with pulsations and different emanations, providing pressure on your forehead chakra and activating your astral vision with vibrant colors. These colors are, sometimes, beyond the limited human visual spectrum and they carry like bloody flavors and old flavors and smells.
Her Essence which feels malevolent and erotic, sexual and serious.
She can cause nausea to early practitioners or weak bodies. This is caused by Her effect as a healer and Her supercharging effusion, Her cellular intrusion through blood (in energy form), moving toxins, penetrating energetic knots and more.
Note that She wont enter some bodies very easily -especially unprepared or weak bodies- or into minds with remnants -even subconscious fears’ remnants.
These remnants must be dissolved through sexual practices and multiple heretical rites.
Such remnants may be of Christendom or of any doctrine -or even moral- which limits the opening, and contradicts the practitioner´s pure Will, going against the Daemonic and sexual communion.
So, even for experienced practitioners, it is recommended that they cleanse their conscious and subconscious from fear of the Daemonic -rational or irrational- and prejudices implanted by others. The cleansing may be performed via Sex Magick and it can be performed alone if you will, as masturbation, self-cultivation or Neemniorah, -a practice performed in the ancient Temple Of Eros besides other currents.
She, as a high ranking and highly erotic demoness, and a queen of the tantric practices, has all the Asmodeyan aspects of the Divine Feminine in Herself. She is a succubus-vampire and She -as my Daemonic source- can easily cause Daemonic Obsession and hyper-sexuality, which are not necessarily bad for lighting your fire.
She’s dominant to be submissive, in that She will lead in a situation, only to end up being submissive or in order to boost your submission in case of symbiosis with Her. She will do this sometimes through chaotic events, but it’s all part of her erotic intentions. She loves submission, while Lilith represents the woman’s dominance. She is the “femme fatale” archetype, Satania has the Mercurian aspects of being mutable, versatile and adaptive if the situation requires it. However, Her preferred behavior and knowledge is Shaktic in essence, very fiery, creative and willing, desiring to be played with and with Her.
Additionally, except for a very few exceptions, She is not as demanding as Lilith or Mammon, She can work with you and your body, for example. She is a major deity in the working sexual and tantric pantheon of my Black Angels and Matron of Satania, the coven.
She is a light sexual sadist which makes Her perfect if you want to initiate in BDSM or similar practices. For more deep sadism you may call Maskett or others.
She appears to the adept having horns and black hair, and with white, pale pink or reddish soft skin. In this full daemonic manifestation, She has red piercing eyes, but while calm can appear with yellow eyes -Azazel type- or with Black eyes during Dark and Necromantic rituals, wherein there are no sexual purposes involved. She has a slightly pronounced fangs, but nothing excessive. They´re very subtle and can pass unnoticed.
She has a seductive woman’s mid to low tone voice that sounds pretty Daemonic and sometimes like two or more women talking simultaneously in perfect harmony.
Now, She was describing Herself as a composed Demonic feminine collective composed of thousands of the most notorious demonesses, ancient goddesses and feminine spirits: The Ha-Satan Collective’s Shakti feminine side. This includes The Four Whores: Lilith, Eisheth Zenunim, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Naamah. Then entities like Jezebel, Sonnillion, Taroon, Nyx, thousands of predominantly feminine energy Daemonic spirits and goddesses, and even feminine human spirits, like the infamous spirit of Messalina, wife of the roman emperor Claudius.
She has been an amazing guide for most of our witches and a key part of the Devilist Pantheon.
Is it now time for your turn to work with Her?"
-S.W. Falcifer
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
© All the materials are copyrighted & All the names are registered trademarks of The Devil´s Temple #TheDevilsTemple #Devilism

I love Satania 😍