A. Satania (Satana) is not an egregore.
At first the beginning practitioner may feel this way but Satania is clearly not a thought form or an egregore.
She is a Daemonic Queen in Her own right, and an essential part in the Infernal Empire. She is not created by humans, but multitudes of people consciously and unconsciously have been and currently are giving Her power. As we mentioned previously, there are people calling Her and incorrectly thinking that She is Lilith, Hekate or some aspect of them.
She is mentioned in old traditional Satanic texts as Satana, the same as Lucifera. She is the feminine energy of the “Other being” or composed being, in this case Lord Satan, and at the same time She is an individual Herself. She is different than Satan, the Metagod, because some aspects which are dormant or less relevant to the overall composition of Satan as a whole are noticeable or more dominant aspects of Satania.
However, the separation from the actual non-personal Source energy that caused the first Big Bang that created both Universe B and later Earth’s Universe, is simply due to the effects of time on corporeal and causal reality.
‘Ha-Satan, or “Ha-Shaitan” as He prefers, is Lucifer/Samael’s title first and foremost, however, it also applies to the Group Spirit that is all of us together who stand in unity against El and his loyal offspring and soldiers.
No one as an individual or as another Group Spirit or Megagod or Metagod can use it. It is the very energy of opposition against El and everything he stands for. Satan is different. He is the very energy that stands against El while also being an individual. He started it all.
Lilith originally does not have 3 aspects, this instead describes Hekate. That is one of the falsehoods spread throughout the Left Hand Path. Lilith may have accepted some of these aspects or masks like the triple age appearance in Her manifestations.
Naamah is not an aspect of Satania nor is She an aspect of Lilith. That is yet another falsehood and deception.
The Wives of Lucifer/Samael are individual entities and Queens from another universe but at the same time The 4 are part of Satan and in a most noticeable way of Satania.
The Left Hand Path has been far too infected with ideas from atheist mentors. That is where these falsehoods and other deceptions originate. Atheists who don't believe in gods want to become gods, isn't this hypocrisy at its fullest?
Satania is a group and a conglomerate Spirit Who has steadily grown in power by the worship and attention of so many people, especially women, toward the concept of “The Goddess” including via Lunar Energy. The people who empowered Her over the millennia included Traditional Satanists, Dianic Wiccans, Black Witches and Dark Pagans.
She is not an egregoric power like Baphomet, but She is empowered by the collective energy of many corporeal people on the Earth plane loving “The Goddess” rather than seeking union with Dark Gods in ecstasy which is how at a later time Baphomet, The Infernal Spirit, came to be.
Satania is representative of the feminine aspect of Ha-Shaitan, and so we are representative of the group Spirit of all who are against El, the Right Hand Path powers and their servants.

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