A. When we charge a magickal seal with our sexual energy through orgasm, the matter containing the symbol, such as paper, parchment, wood, metal, or other materials, and the ethereal representation of the magical symbol become imbued with vital energy, also known as chi, prana, or vril. This energy is referred to as the "life-giving elixir" due to its creative and divine properties. This magickal energy allows for the opening of a nexus or a specific portal to the forces or entities represented in the seal or magick symbol.
The energy that is impregnated, following a process like this, remains anchored, typically for several days, gradually decreasing in intensity, much like a bonfire that wanes if it is not replenished with new wood.
Depending on the material and the intensity of the initial charging operation, this energy will remain stored for a longer or shorter period. For example, we have observed that energy stored in crystals, especially certain types, can remain intact for years if the initial charge was intense. In contrast, charges on sigils made of paper, without intervention from the relevant entity to keep the sigil active or periodic recharges by the adept, can easily fade away completely within 6-7 days.
How can this be avoided? By regularly recharging our magickal seals or by using other materials whose properties are better suited for retaining the charged energy. Some examples of such materials are: metals, wood, crystals, bones, or consecrated animal hides. Simply replacing modern paper with parchment or natural hide can extend the material's ability to store this charge for several days, or even weeks, longer.
These are the materials traditionally used and usually recommended in the old grimoires.
The same applies to offerings. A common question we receive is, for example: "How long should I leave cookies, candies, or fruit on the offering altar?"
Well, the answer is not the same for all of these different items. Cookies or candies, being somewhat synthetic or processed food, contain less inherent vital energy, and the offering is more symbolic than energetic. If we were to focus solely on the energetic aspect, these offerings could probably be removed within three days. The situation is different for fruit. Let's take an apple, for instance. For Lilith, the apple, especially if it's organic, contains much more prana or vital energy, being a "living" food. We could leave it open, facilitating the consumption of the energy contained by the daemonic entity. For example, it could be left for up to a week. The only issue here would be the fruit's decay and potential insects or parasites generated by it.
Therefore, there is no exact and generic time frame for offerings or seal´s charge duration in general. But by individually analyzing each one and its process, we can establish the best periods to refresh and maintain our seals and offerings in their optimal state.

· Here are some videos related to this topic to help you to understand:

· Here are some articles related to this topic to help you to understand:
-Sigils [Various Questions] - Frequently Asked Questions Compilation.
