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FALCIFER: Converted Priest
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Converted Priest:
"Today someone sent me a video and asked for my most sincere opinion. It's about a guy, well, a so-called satanic priest or high priest of a satanic order that I don't know, which is located in South Africa.
I can sense the new pseudo-vision of modern satanism with the spiritual distortion that it may bring. And obviously, the guy now claims to be Christian.
Let's watch the video.
Wait a moment, mate. You said that you were a member of a satanic church, part of the management council, or at least one of its priests, right? And you said that you never worked with daemons before?! What the fuck. How did you get that position without working with any daemon? And what kind of satanic rituals do these people perform? I mean, in our Infernal Faction, even early initiates work with daemonic entities. I wonder what kind of Satanic Church this is… well, let's keep watching.
So, the chains of human science were in your mind, making you skeptical about your own spiritual practice. And you said atheist? I bet your “satanic church” is one of these atheist theaters of psychodramas and political battles. How wrong are these atheist satanic movements. How much damage have these churches done.
And okay, you saw Jesus and? It could be Yeshua, an egregore, or a trickster –I bet you wouldn't be able to discern it– but let's say okay, you saw Jesus, and? I mean, you are supposedly with Satan, right?
Oh sorry, I forgot you were atheist. Maybe you never believed in anything spiritual and you were in the order for “other purposes.”
Many spirits can alter your energies and brain chemicals to make you see this or that, or to make you feel a specific emotion. This can be used as an attack or as a seduction technique, nothing new if you know the basics.
This fact still doesn't change anything. I mean, you saw Yeshua and he overloaded your system with a love feeling, confusion, and blocked your rational, analytical, and critical mind. Okay, so?
You said it well, he drained you, he vampirized the fuck out of you, all your energies, sucking all your little rebellious identity, leaving you exhausted.
Yes, like muted, right? Suppression of your spiritual will leaves you very chill.
If this man had proper training, proper satanic formation and knowledge, he would have developed and used bpsychic tools and weapons. He would have had another perspective of the events, much better than surrendering and submitting to the first entity who floods him with love.
As Devilists, as you evolve, you will be attacked by angels, white sorcerers, and other beings. You have to be protected, prepared, and have the proper knowledge."
-S.W. Falcifer
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© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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