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FALCIFER: Omnipotens
#DEVILISM ☽The Devil´s Temple☾
▼ Devilism is the new Left Hand Path spiritual current. Its immediate goal is to provoke the final liberation of the human being from useless morals and weak doctrines, in order to achieve self-deification. All the doctrine and gnosis are channelled as rebellious mysticism against limitations and all kind of mental and emotional boundaries. This is in order to deprogram and empower your mind, soul, energy and body for the benefit of spiritual freedom.
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● Omnipotens:
"Let's talk about the almighty paradox.
This concept is a human construct, envisioning a higher and seemingly unattainable power that can do everything, yet lacks coherence.
Numerous gods aspire to be "The God," "The Lord" -a striving for supremacy. However, all gods are spirits with specific limitations, particularly within the framework of monotheistic religions such as Christianity or Islam. They engage in a game of monopolization, discrediting each other's competencies, demonizing, and attempting to gain followers at any cost.
So, gods or spirits are not entirely omnipotent and never will be, and indeed, it's better this way.
Omnipotence is a mere dissolution. It's better to possess and control 99% of possible power than to exceed 100%. Gods don't want to be diluted in Akasha or Ahriman, existence and void.
Upon studying each god and spirit, considering their background, interactions, and stories, one doesn't have to be exceptionally insightful to notice that they cannot do everything. There are always certain lines and limits.
I'm not stating that they lack great power or the ability to perform various miracles -they can certainly do much more than a common human in many areas. However, they cannot do "all."
Can your almighty god create a stone so big that he cannot lift?
Isn't this a contradiction?
Can he create an enemy more powerful than himself? (laughs)
Total omnipotence is bullshit; hyperpotency is better.
It's all about the expression of power, growth, focused extension, and awareness -present and dimensional consciousness.
Another way to view this paradox is with a common human, let's imagine a carpenter, for example.
Can he create a piece of furniture that he cannot lift?
We agree, he can. This has already happened and is entirely possible, right?
Although, the concept of an omnipotent god appears solid, it shatters when we realize that this hypothetical god cannot create a piece of furniture so heavy that he cannot lift it -the same stone we were discussing earlier.
Therefore, a common human would be capable of creating something that this imaginary god could not.
This implies that, regardless of whether we assert that the almighty god can or cannot perform this feat, the definition of omnipotence is undermined in both scenarios.
Why? Because it simply does not work. If we define omnipotence as the ability to do everything, it becomes a squared circle -a human concept that simply does not exist.
Nature is perfect; it does not harbor such contradictions.
Here, we must understand our position. We should view gods as spiritual forces or entities with varying levels of power, skills, and expanded consciousness -whether higher or not.
However, it's crucial to acknowledge that no spirit or god is omnipotent.
The perception of omnipotence arises from the awe inspired by great acts, devotion, and admiration that surpass what is truly possible.
If there's something to take away from this, it's the understanding that you have to work to become greater. Happiness lies in progressing in this existence and beyond."
S.W. Falcifer-
© The Devil´s Temple / Devilism
© S.W. Falcifer / Falciferian International Foundation
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